Further reductions added to January sale

Further reductions added to January sale

Featured Series: Father's Day with Tatsuo

As part of our Featured Series, we caught up with Tatsuo Hino, without doubt a  pioneer when it comes Japanese clothing. 

Born in Japan, based in London, Tatsuo is the director of BEAMS & CO, the UK creative agency and collective under the leading Japanese lifestyle retailer Beams

Tatsuo's understanding and experience in the ecosystem of the culture of menswear is invaluable. He's done everything from fashion buying and consulting to setting up magazines and publications, amongst a whole roster of other things. With over 30 years in the industry, he bridges the gap between the fashion industries in Japan and the UK, bringing unique and special relationships between brands together, that without him would not be possible. 

We thought it'd be fitting with Father's Day here to chat with Tatsuo, who himself, is a father of three. Two of Tatsuo’s children, Blossom and Leo, were by his side, whilst we talked about life in London and everything in-between, for some wholesome content in a special Father's Day feature . Enjoy!


1. Happy Father's Day! How's your day been?

All good, I cannot complain!

2. What is the difference in culture for Father's day in the UK and Father's day in Japan?

I think it is quite similar and not much different. Father’s day is treated less important than the mother’s day generally speaking and that would be the same here in the UK.
Japan is more of a gifiting culture around any celebrated days such as Father’s day, often gifting something that is quite practical and functional, with thought behind it. i.e giving a tie to your father who wouldn’t usually choose to wear a tie in a particular colour, pushing the boundary a bit.
That is the beauty of a gift - I am a firm believer in giving something new to someone which he or she wouldn’t usually choose themselves, something you think suits them well. 

4. If you had the choice of breakfast in bed or dinner out, what would you choose?
Dinner out for sure! I don't understand why having breakfast in bed is so comforting... I've never tried before nor have any desire to!
There are so many good restaurants in London so it's hard to narrow them down 
to the one. I love what Nuno Mendes does - I have been to all of his establishments from the Loft Project, Viajante to Lisboeta and also when he did a special menu service to support local communities for Sweet Thursdays at the Scolt Head (pub).
I love cooking, I want to go to a venue whereby a chef can teach you how to cook, you cook it yourself and enjoy the whole experience from start to finish. 
5. What are your favourite spots to take the family to in London?
Weekends are pretty hectic being a father of three kids! We tend to pick a location that is suitable and appealing for the kids. We go to galleries quite often as long as there is something for the kids to enjoy. Barbican and The Natural History Museum is probably our most-go-to spots along with De Beauvoir and Stoke Newington for their calmness, community-feel. 
6. If you could choose a Father's Day gift from the store for yourself, what would you choose?
These two for sure!  We actually have both of them - but unfortunately a month ago by mistake, they were dropped and cracked. We love starting the morning with a tea/coffee at home, both are practical gifts that we'd get a lot of use out!
7. Thanks for having the time to chat with us! Lastly if you were stranded on a desert island with your family, what would your children be best at?
Our kids are fun, very dearing and entertaining. All three of them are so alike, they get on well but when they fight, they really fight!
I am one of three, my wife Pipa is one of five. We were brought up from a similar family structure from 2 different countries. I find that they play very well, when there is no passive entertainment tools around such as a TV when they are usually squabbling about what TV programme to watch etc… Without those they are inventive, they make games together and play altogether without any arguments! 
So I'd say they'd be best at making games and bringing entertainment for us!



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